Shinju Matsuri 2022 | Opening

Shinju Matsuri 2022 | Opening

Shinju Matsuri is one of the major events in Broome Western Australia that we have been to. It means "Festival of the Pearl" as Broome itself has a very strong history in pearling industry and the Japanese divers. The festival is going on for 16 days during August and early September. The festival is a huge celebration of a very diverse cultural lifestyle in Broome from the Aboriginal, Japanese, Chinese, Philipines, Kenyan and others. We haven't seen any Indonesian culture-related acts or entertainment given that it's the closest country to Broome with very rich cultural entertainment and hopefully we'll see more of that in future events.

The opening ceremony at the Town Beach was opened with some speeches, stage performances from local school kids and the old Sammy the Dragon that needs some fixing and open for donation for anyone who wants to contribute to fixing him. 

Here are some photos from the opening:

Shinju Matsuri Festival 2022  Opening

Shinju Matsuri Opening

Here's an old video from the Shinju Matsuri Vimeo channel