Johani, your guide at Mabu Buru Tours

Johani, your guide at Mabu Buru Tours

My name is Johani, I’m a proud Yawuru, Karrajarri, Nyul Nyul , Bardi man, born and raised in Broome. Besides leading tours for Mabu Buru Tours I’m also a Crocodile Wrangler and Tour Guide at the Malcolm Douglas Crocodile Park.

Prior to this, I was a Yawuru Country Manager Coordinator. The Yawuru Country Managers are the Indigenous ranger group that are employed by Nyamba Buru Yawuru to look after Yawuru country on behalf of the Yawuru Nation, conducting a variety of on-country work which includes flora and fauna surveying and monitoring and research in both land and sea.

I encourage all people to experience our spiritual & physical connection to country and spread understanding of Aboriginal culture.

I am proud to share my knowledge of this country with visitors. To show you the wildlife and tell stories of the ancient, continuing connection that my people share with this land.


Visit the Mabu Buru Tours website